
Emotional fitness workshop – Presented by Kathryn Ruge

Presenting Workshop 3 at EMPA New Zealand 2024 is Kathryn Ruge, founder of Engaging People, a consultancy that helps leaders cultivate high-trust work environments and communicate in a crisis.

Kathryn is Tangata Tiriti of European descent and has spent the last decade working in strategic communications and engagement in diverse contexts across the public and private sectors, including high tech, local government, tertiary and Deaf education, community healthcare, the military, and iwi organisations.

Prior to this, Kathryn spent 16 years with Air New Zealand, including two seconded to the Star Alliance in Germany when it was a startup. A lifelong learner, she holds a BBS and PGDipBusAdmin (Distinction) from Massey University along with several industry-leading qualifications in communications and engagement, culture design, and change management. Kathryn is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors, a Trustee of Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre in Christchurch, and serves on the EMPA Board.

Read about Workshop 3 – Emotional fitness: Making a plan to last the distance here Workshops

If you are attending the conference on Day 1, nominate Workshop 3 at either 1pm or 3pm at the time of registration or contact us to update your preferences.

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